Cutting heating costs

Stay warm with help from HEET

HEET is a not-for-profit organisation working with communities in Redbridge to help reduce fuel poverty and tackle carbon emissions.

HEET has offered five top tips to help keep an eye on how you’re using your energy:

  • Understand your heating controls if you have them. Using a timer programme, rather than leaving heating on constant helps reduce energy usage, saving you money. Central heating programmers can be set to meet your needs.
  • Switch electric appliances off when not in use. Did you know many appliances, including TVs and computers can use almost as much energy on standby mode, as when in use? Using low energy lightbulbs – LEDs, in the home can also help reduce costs.
  • If buying new appliances, go for ones with higher energy efficiency ratings. Some appliances like tumble driers and fan heaters use lots of energy so it’s worth checking for the most energy efficient products to help save you money.
  • Check to see if your home is adequately insulated, has draught-proofing, and other energy efficiency measures in place to reduce heat loss and warm up cold areas.
  • Find out if you are eligible for discounts on gas, electric or water bills. If you are on a means-tested benefit like Universal Credit, ESA, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, or Tax Credits, or on a low wage, you might be able to get a discount on winter energy bills or on your water bill. Ask HEET for help.

Help from HEET

HEET have partnered with The Energy and Money Saving Service to help local households save money on fuel bills and keep homes warm this winter.

Eligible households will get a free home visit from a qualified adviser who can:

  • Help check if you are on the cheapest energy tariffs
  • Install free, simple energy saving measures
  • Give you day to day energy efficiency tips and ensure your heating system is set up to keep you warm and save money
  • Arrange a free telephone advice service to help with benefits, debt and other money problems
  • Refer you for further energy efficiency improvements, such as loft insulation or a new boiler

You may be eligible for a visit if you:

  • Have a low income
  • Receive Housing Benefit
  • Receive an income or disability-related benefit
  • Have a long-term illness or disability

For more information visit the HEET website or contact 0208 520 1900.