Handling your money

In these challenging times, managing household money is crucial. It is important to make sure you are receiving everything you are entitled to, not overspending and saving for a rainy day.   

Here we are providing links to a range of tools, courses and organisations that may help you build your confidence with money matters. These are only a selection and do not provide a full list of available options and neither do they offer an endorsement of what is being offered. . 

Everyone is starting from a different skill level. You may need to develop your confidence with basic maths or need help with budgeting or understanding the use of credit.  

Also, everyone is starting from a different financial level. You may have debts to pay off, be on a low income or you may be feeling the pressure of rises in the cost of living. Everyone learns differently, so we are providing a range of options from: 

  • In-person courses 
  • Online courses 
  • Tools to use online or download 
  • YouTube videos 
  • Podcasts 

We hope you find something that meets your needs 

Local courses and sources of information 

The following local organisations have a range of courses offered around the year. Check their websites to see what is available. 

Online courses and guidance 

  • Martin Lewis of Money Saving Expert provides advice and guidance on money matters
  • Moneyhelper provides great tools and if required will connect you with a specialist debt adviser

Several banks provide money management courses. Here are two: 

  • Barclays Bank offer a range of free online courses. These are not restricted to Barclays customers. 
  • HSBC bank offers a range of free online resources

Downloadable tools and guidance 

  • The Money Charity have created this free Money Manual which you can download. It has useful exercises about money. 
  • Money Saving Expert budget planning tools  
  • Many banks have budgeting apps. Ask your bank if they have one to help you control your money better

Podcast and video channels 

There are many podcasts to choose from. You will need to find one that suits both your needs and your interest. Here are some we found: 

  • Money 101 is from the BBC and looks at a range of issues from debt, to controlling spending and long-term savings
  • The Martin Lewis Podcast helps you understand money, benefits, bills and debt a bit better. Pick and choose your episodes
  • MeaningfulMoney has a podcast, videos and a range of articles and downloadable tools. It is aimed at people in a range of circumstances from getting out of debt, to stabilising your budget and investing for the future 

If learning through video is what suits you, there are many YouTube channels to search through. Some examples are: 

Debt advice  

There are several qualified specialist debt advisers that can provide free advice from: 

Health and wellbeing and your finances 

For many people money troubles bring on mental stress and health issues. The charity MIND provides tips for dealing with stress brought on by money issues