Stop smoking

Redbridge Stop Smoking Service 

Redbridge Quits Smoking offers free and confidential support for anyone living, working or studying in Redbridge, aged 12 and above.

As well as people who smoke cigarettes, they work with professional interpreters to support people who use other forms of tobacco that can also be addictive and harmful, such as paan, betel quid, gutkha, bidi, and shisha.

The service can also support those who are concerned about their use of vapes or e-cigarettes.

Quitting smoking will give you money that you never knew you had. That’s cash towards meals out, clothes, a trip away or offset your household bills for fuel or food. If you smoke 10 a day, you could be spending nearly £40 a week and around £1600 a year.

There are several ways that you can contact the Redbridge Stop Smoking Service:

For more information visit the Redbridge Quits Smoking website and Adult care Redbridge website.